La Perla’s New Intimate Apparel Collection Coming Soon to Faire Frou Frou
La Perla, lingerie designer brand best known for their aesthetic charm and modern designs, has just announced their new collaboration with Faire Frou Frou Boutique.
Faire Frou Frou means ‘to show off’ in French and is a store that retails only the most irresistible items of intimate apparel! They’re definitely LUX in their approach.
Faire Frou Frou is the ultimate celebration of all that is feminine and flirty. It is what transforms a woman into a sexy upscale fashion figure who appreciates the finer things in life. It is also a place where customers can discover the finest and most exclusive products in intimate apparel from around the world. –via
Come this January 2010, the new Spring Collection will be available both in stores and online. Even more LUX news is that price points will be reduced for this new collection. Offering you an opportunity for designer quality intimate apparel at a reduced price!
We also felt the urge to showcase this entire new photo shoot that we believe is both LUX-worthy and artistically coordinated. What are you thoughts LUXies? Does this photo-op meet your standards for ‘pretty’?
For more information, visit Faire Frou Frou.
Tagged in: underwear, la perla lingerie, spring collection, designer brands, faire frou frou boutique, january 2010,